Thursday, April 8, 2010

Coheed And Cambria Win MTV's Musical March Madness!


It's not even March anymore, but that's just what a big deal MTV's Musical March Madness is. We have gone five full rounds, run through 65 bands and watched over one million votes get cast, and in the end, we're left with a single band left standing.

Coheed and Cambria (and the fans who voted for them) didn't let their underdog status get them down. They entered the tournament as a 15 seed, but surged forward to take out the likes of Paramore, Mastodon, Phish, Alice in Chains and Tokio Hotel before overcoming My Chemical Romance in the final match-up. One of the traditions of the NCAA basketball tournament is the closing montage of highlights set to "One Shining Moment," so it only seemed appropriate that we give Coheed and Cambria the same sort of congratulatory send-off.

The group will be coming to collect their awesome trophy soon, but they have already expressed their gratitude to the people who brought them to this plateau. "The thing that has held up Coheed and Cambria through all these years is our fans," the band told MTV News in a statement sent just as polls were closing on Tuesday night (April 6). "They really came to bat for this contest, and it is humbling to say the least. Year of the Black Rainbow is our year, and their year! Thanks, MTV News, for giving our fans this platform to interact with so many other fans, it's been so fun to watch."



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